Online Modern Danish Furniture | Thehistory

Choices abound when choosing furniture, from the style to the age, from the colour to the size, considerations of practicality versus appearance, and the selections become even more numerous when choosing a piece of furniture as ubiquitous and varied as a chair.

Danish chairs became one of the more easily recognizable styles as well as probably the most famous. They first became a favored in the 40s, right after their development. Their popularity lasted throughout the 50s and 60s, when they became something of a clich because of their image as the most to date mid century modern furniture Sydney homes, and are now making a comeback.

Danish modern chairs have several distinctive features that even untrained eyes may easily distinguish. The Danish style avoids hard lines and geometric shapes, tending instead to graceful ergonomic curves that fit the body naturally. Danish vintage furniture in Melbourne are often made of lightwood, although darker pieces were subsequently produced at the wish of consumers. Usually the wood used is birch, oak, ash, or beech, their clean lines are usually devoid of additional adornment, finished with oil or wax. For fabric, natural colours with texture are the norm, and each model is minimalist. Another distinctive feature of Danish modern style is the open space left beneath its chairs and couches, long legs support them, not the short legs which are common elsewhere, leaving little to no space between furniture and floor.

The name Danish modern is somewhat inaccurate, as the designers accountable for its style came from all over Scandinavia. The style applies not only to furniture, but additionally more broadly to a school of functional design and architecture. Simpleness and a focus of function were united in the design of buildings like the Sydney Opera House, household objects, and new, distinctive chairs like the egg chair.

The History is famous Ant Chair store, an unusual 3 legged chair with a thin waist between rounded seat and back, was also a product of the developing style. A buyer intrigued in true vintage Danish modern chairs will be smart to pay special attention to details.

Their popularity and respectable price make it profitable for inexpensive substitutes, of shoddy construction and materials, to be sold at too good to be true prices. Unwary buyers can be too distracted by prices to notice deficiencies. Be knowledgeable as to the quality of the wood joins, the robustness of the cloth. Look also at the stitching for any hanging thread, for unevenness, for bunching of the material.

These elements don’t apply only to armchairs, but to the Danish dining chair as well. Styles of dining chairs are distinctive to their regions of origin. They vary from the legless chairs of Sydney, the heavy luxurious antique chairs of Sydney and the simpler straight modern chairs of that same country, the casual rattan style common to the coast USA and the country and rural chairs of its rural regions.

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